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Community Based Organization Planning Grant Underway for Upstate New York

The New York State Department of Health Community Based Organization (CBO) Planning Grant for Rest of State is finally underway and upstate CBOs are organizing to be a stronger voice in the next stages of the New York State DSRIP Program. Through the grant, the newly formed Upstate Community Based Organization (CBO) Consortium is assessing the needs of CBO members and working as a collective to prepare nonprofit organizations that address critical health and human services to be valued partners in an integrated healthcare delivery system.

Healthy Community Alliance, Inc., a rural health network and the project’s lead agency, has been conducting thought leader forums with members and stakeholders across the state to help shape the Consortium’s short term goals and longer term strategies that will further promote CBO engagement in DSRIP and a more fully integrated system. Next steps in the grant include utilizing the feedback from the forums and surveys to develop a capacity building training program and learning platform where CBOs gain expertise in measuring and communicating the value of their services while pursuing more complex payment arrangements for the critical services they deliver.

The Upstate New York Community-Based Organization (CBO) Consortium is a strong advocate for the health and human services sector as a critical component in completing the system of whole-person care. Says Healthy Community Alliance Chief Executive Officer Ann Battaglia, “The Consortium will not only provide training on necessary tools and skills to strengthen these CBOs but will also be a strong voice for the sector so that stakeholders and policymakers are aware of and informed on the critical role these organizations play in improving health outcomes and achieving New York State’s healthcare delivery system reform objectives.”  Through the planning grant, the Consortium will further explore a financially sustainable infrastructure to meet ongoing and longer-term engagement of community-based organizations and further strengthen their role in healthcare system transformation.

The Consortium organizing in upstate New York is one of three consortia planning grants funded by the New York State Department of Health. Healthy Community Alliance is working with its regional leadership and statewide CBO partners to ensure representation from across all 48 upstate counties and all domains of social determinants of health.  Recruitment of eligible CBOs into the Consortium is now underway with incentive payments available for Consortium member participation. Nonprofit organizations that have a budget of less than $5 million and address social and economic factors affecting individuals’ health but do not yet have payment agreements with Medicaid for their services are invited to join the Consortium.

For more information on the CBO Consortium or to learn if your community-based organization is eligible to participate and receive participation incentives call the Consortium lead agency, Healthy Community Alliance at 716-532-1010, visit www.communityalliance.org/cbo-consortium or email sanfilippoa@hcanetwork.org.

By Tony Sanfilippo
Project Manager
Rest of State CBO Planning Grant
Healthy Community Alliance

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