About Us

Interactive Map of NYSARH Members 

New York State Activities


On the state level, NYSARH conducts an annual educational event for New York State legislators and their staff.  Providers of rural health care services travel to Albany to setup displays, distribute literature, and answer questions about the services they provide and the needs of the communities they serve.  NYSARH enjoys a very positive relationship with the Charles D. Cook Office of Rural Health within the State Department of Health as well as with the New York State Legislative Commission on Rural Resources.  NYSARH partners with other organizations advocating on behalf of rural health care providers.

 In addition to representing its membership at both the national and state levels of government, NYSARH conducts an annual conference for its members.  These conferences, open to NYSARH members and anyone interested in assisting meeting the health care needs of rural communities, provide information, educational support, guidance and networking opportunities.  Expert presenters share their experiences and successes with conference participants who learn how to better serve their communities.  These conferences always offer engaging and informative presentations by an elite faculty and are well-attended.  At the Annual Conference we bestow Annual Awards highlighting the best in providers and health services in rural New York, recognizing outstanding individuals, programs, and services.  During the course of the year, NYSARH also sponsors various workshops aimed at identifying and sharing best practices with participants who can then return to their communities and continually increase the quality and value of the services they offer. NYSARH continuously seeks to hear from its members regarding their most pressing community issues, what strategies members propose to address these issues, and what resources are needed to carry them out.

 The NYSARH Board of Directors serves on a voluntary basis and is made up of a group of individuals committed to improving the health status of rural New Yorkers.  A committee structure comprised of active volunteers supports achieving the goals of the organization.


National Activities


 NYSARH has strong linkage to the National Rural Health Association (NRHA) and enjoys substantial support and assistance from NRHA.  Working hand in hand with NRHA, NYSARH participates in an annual Policy Institute in Washington, D.C.  During the Policy Institute, where representatives of rural providers across the nation gather, participants visit with their state congressional leaders to seek support on issues of national policy affecting rural health care providers.  NRHA and NYSARH”s priorities are very much in line with each other.  The needs of New York’s rural health providers very much mirror the needs of providers in other states.


In addition to requesting support from New York congressional leaders, NYSARH acts as a source of information to provide data to assist with critical decision making.