
Committees and Charges


Committees of the Board, also referred to as “standing committees,” are those Committees that have the power to bind the Board within statutory limitations. Committees of the Board must be comprised solely of Directors. Committees of the Board include the Executive Committee, the Finance Committee, and the Governance Committee.

A.    Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the President, Vice- President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chairpersons of all Committees of the Board. Additional members of the Board may be appointed to serve on the Committee at the discretion of the President. The President shall serve as the Chair of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall maintain surveillance of the business and affairs of the Corporation and shall be empowered to transact only such business as may be necessary between meetings of the Board. The Committee shall be responsible for overseeing the personnel affairs of the Corporation, including, but not limited to developing and reviewing personnel policies and hiring, training, supervising evaluating and, if necessary, terminating the Corporation’s Executive Director. The Committee shall also be responsible for ensuring that the Corporation engages in strategic planning. Meetings of the Committee may be called by the Chair or by any member of the Committee. The Committee shall submit a report of its actions at all regularly scheduled or special meetings of the Board.

B.    Finance Committee

The Finance Committee shall assist the Treasurer in developing an annual budget; review disbursements; make recommendations to the Board with regard to expenditures; seek, develop, and manage additional revenue; and develop appropriate recommendations to the Board for long-term financing of the Association.

C.    Governance Committee

The Governance Committee members shall be responsible for identifying persons qualified to serve as officers of the Association as well as for identifying persons qualified for, and interested in, becoming board members.

The Governance Committee shall also be responsible for conducting the election, counting ballots of the election, and reporting the results of the election at the annual meeting. The Governance Committee shall also periodically review, update and recommend proposed changes to the bylaws to the board.  


The Board may establish Committees of the Corporation, also referred to as “ad hoc” committees. Committees of the Corporation shall not have the authority of the Board. Members of Committees of the Corporation shall be selected by the President and may include both Directors and non- Directors. Committees of the Corporation shall include the Membership Committee, the Policy Committee, the Conference Planning Committee, and such other committees as the Board may establish from time to time.

A.    Membership Committee

The Membership Committee shall be responsible for marketing the Association to potential members and the retention of members, including recommendations for value-added benefits for membership. The committee is actively involved in supporting membership communications, including advising on the NYSARH newsletter, annual report and membership recruitment information. The Membership Committee establishes annual membership goals and advises the NYSARH Finance Committee on membership revenue projections each year.

There shall be an awards sub-group of the Membership Committee. The awards sub- group shall seek out, for formal recognition on an annual basis, those individuals and organizations that strive to fulfill the mission of the New York State Association for Rural Health.

B.    Policy Committee

 The Policy Committee shall:

  1. Advise the Board of Directors on existing and emerging policy issues
  2. Assist in formulating persuasive advocacy arguments and positions, `and
  3. Monitor and coordinate advocacy

The Association seeks to establish broad membership consensus in support of public policies that assure adequate access to and quality of health services for rural populations in New York State. To this end, the Association is committed to providing education of legislative issues, and to participate in coalitions to advance the interests of the public’s health. The legislative and health policy interests of the Association are defined as those interests that are brought forth by the general membership and goals established by the Board of Directors.

C.  Education Committee

 The Education Committee is responsible for the planning, coordination, administration, and evaluation of NYSARH educational activities. Educational activities may include webinars, meetings, awards, videos, symposia and/or conferences – in person, virtual or hybrid – and may also include written materials such as white papers and slide decks.

D.  Development Committee

The Development Committee is responsible for raising funds to cover the operational expenses of the Association. The Association may accept funds as:

  • Contracts
  • Corporate Partnerships
  • Donations
  • Earned Revenue
  • Event Sponsorships
  • Grants