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NYSARH is a member of the National Rural Health Association.  NRHA maintains a robust Advocacy section on their website.  https://www.ruralhealthweb.org/advocate
  • The NRHA Legislative Tracker enables members to view the rural health bills the association is monitoring, supporting, and opposing. Bills are searchable and categorized by topic area, and by clicking on a bill, you can find its summary, review cosponsors, and stay up to date on Congressional actions. https://www.ruralhealthweb.org/advocate/nrha-legislative-tracker
  • NRHA has invested in Voter Voice grassroots advocacy software to make it easy for members to contact their representatives regarding current issues.  These links are updated frequently as legislation makes its way through Congress.  https://www.ruralhealthweb.org/advocate/rural-health-advocacy-campaigns