
New York State Medicaid Redesign Team 1115 Research & Demonstration Waiver Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) Amendment Request

New York State Medicaid Redesign Team 1115 Research & Demonstration Waiver Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) Amendment Request Public Comment The NYS Association for Rural Health (NYSARH) appreciates the opportunity to comment on the proposed Waiver Amendment. Introduction The New York State Association for Rural Health suggests that the 1115 Research & Demonstration Waiver include a ‘Rural Lens’. Promising Practices that work well in an urban environment may not translate to the 45 of 62 Counties (73%) that are rural. New York State defines a county as being rural if it has a population of less than 200,000. The scope of NYSARH includes the all rural counties in New York State. Fewer than 50,000 residents: Allegany, Cortland, Delaware, Essex, Greene, Hamilton, Lewis...

New York State Joint Commission on Rural Resources Public Hearing on Rural Broadband

RURAL BROADBAND INTERNET The NYS Association for Rural Health (NYSARH) appreciates the opportunity to comment on the issue of Rural Broadband. “Broadband is today what electricity was nearly a century ago – essential to creating economic opportunity, driving innovation, and an absolute necessity for our way of life.” Governor Andrew Cuomo New York has made some important policy changes and financial investments to improve internet coverage in rural areas: https://nysbroadband.ny.gov/new-ny-broadband-program/phase-3awards. However, broadband service remains inconsistent in many areas and is still unavailable to some. Moreover, the cost of broadband is prohibitive for many families, businesses and healthcare providers of limited financial means. In August 2019 the Federal Communication Commi...

Measurement Project Update: Nine Pilot Projects Chosen for Evaluation

Emma Nalin, MPH, MS Project Coordinator, Social Determinants of Health, Rural Health Network of South Central New York With funding from the NYS Health Foundation and Care Compass Network (CCN), Rural Health Network of SCNY is conducting a two-year project (2019-2020) to improve measurement of Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) among rural community-based organizations (CBOs).  As one of multiple activities in the project, consulting firm Germane Solutions evaluated SDOH measurement design for nine pilot projects. The resulting recommendations and return-on-investment tools will directly benefit pilot organizations in communicating the value of their SDOH interventions. The pilots target an array of health conditions with specific SDOH interventions, from addressing trauma in womenwith s...

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