Save the Date: NYSARH Albany Advocacy Briefing

Tuesday, January 26, 2021 from 9-11AM via Zoom

Register here and receive a confirmation email with log-in information Jan. 25th

Press Release: Paycheck Protection Program to Reopen Week of January 11th

Read the release here.


COVID-19 Resources

  • The NRHA takes seriously the impact that pandemics and public health emergencies have on their members and rural communities nationwide.
  • They will continue to advocate for rural communities to have the resources they need to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The NRHA has compiled free COVID-19 resources provided by the CDC, WHO, and other reputable organizations


The New York State Association for Rural Health is a not-for-profit, non-partisan, grassroots membership organization working to preserve and improve health and human services in rural New York State. NYSARH is a member of the National Rural Health Association.


Membership benefits include:

  • Networking opportunities

  • Discounts on the NYSARH conference and other events

  • Legislative advocacy /awareness of state and federal rural health issues