NYS Budget Summary Thanks to the federal American Rescue Plan, the New York State enacted budget is largely the opposite of the austerity plan presented back in January. Thanks to the advocacy of NYSARH members and our many partners, key elements of our priorities are included in the new budget. Restoration of funding for Rural Health Networks and Rural Health Care Access Hospitals to the SFY21 l...
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) launched a new Emergency Broadband Benefit resource last week. The tool allows partners and consumers to view by state or territory the providers that will be participating in the Emergency Broadband Benefit program. Each listing includes the type of service offered, whether it’s “fixed” or “mobile”, and whether the provider offers connected devices a...
Watch the first-ever virtual #GetTickedOff forum, in conjunction with the Office of Assemblymember William Magnarelli, theThe Central New York Lyme Alliance, and the Dutchess County Tick Task Force. To access the event, click here: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/6QTIDc7jiTrIBBF2Nzt1uVFwj5dh14Z6CnP7FWRxXI9CUA3cQY-MNuET-FkEsRtL.m2bgylD5w5gFZEx6?startTime=1611871511000 Password: rg#6D7R#
The Rural Health Network of South Central New York was one of three agencies in the state awarded AmeriCorps funding to combat opioid misuse, and the only one focusing on rural communities. They have a creative and complex outreach and education program using Rural Health Service Corps members placed at community organizations in five primary counties and seven secondary counties. The team has bee...
Summary of findings from University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute: After nearly a decade of improvement, there are early signs that the percentage of babies born at low birth weight may be on the rise (8.2% in 2016, a 2% increase from 2014). Low birth weight is a key measure of health and quality of life. Some places and groups of people have fewer social and economic opportunities, whi...