NYSARH had the pleasure of hosting an Upstate Institute Fellow during the summer of 2022. This program’s news and announcements page may serve as a helpful resource for NYSARH members as many of the projects are centered in rural communities. Upstate Institute News and Announcements >
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) outlines practices reported during jurisdictional listening sessions conducted in February and March 2021 with CDC’s Vaccine Task Force.
On May 13, 2021, the Centers for Medicare &Medicaid Services Office of Minority Health (CMS OMH) hosted a Building COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence webinar to provide information and resources tohelp partners address vaccine hesitancy in their communities.
This report, which was developed in consultation with leading experts in social and behavioral sciences and public health, outlines evidence-informed communication strategies in support of national COVID-19 vaccine distribution efforts across federal agencies and their state and local partners.
In order to preserve rural communities’ access to emergency medical services, New York State government must act now. Due to inadequate reimbursement from Medicaid causing strained budgets, minimal provided incentive for volunteers, and lack of utilization of EMS capabilities, rural ambulance agencies are at risk of closing down or consolidating with other agencies. Fewer ambulance agencies will o...