2022 NYSARH Awards Descriptions & Criteria
Deadline for Applications: October 21, 2022
Please use this nomination form to recognize individuals and organizations that have made a significant contribution to rural health. Fill out a separate nomination form for each category or entry. In the form below there is a space to provide (upload) a brief summary (500 words or less) of why you believe this individual, organization, or program should be nominated. Please visit our website here for award criteria.
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Senator Patricia M. McGee Award
The Senator Patricia M. McGee Rural Health Award is given to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution of major significance to improve the health of rural populations. The Award was renamed the Senator McGee Award in recognition of the late Senator’s unyielding commitment to improving rural residents’ quality of life through legislation which will have a positive impact for many years to come. Her willingness to listen and respond to constituents from her own district, and throughout NYS, including NYSARH events, was greatly appreciated. The Awards Committee will consider broad benefits to health, innovative programs, unusual contributions, or activities that provide outstanding and long-lasting benefit to the public’s health and are consistent with the goals and objectives of the Association.
Consideration shall be given to work in any area of rural health. Nomination information should indicate that the individual’s efforts have gone beyond what is normally expected and are exemplary of dedication to the advancement of the health of rural residents and their communities.
Considerations include:
- Three references must be sent with the application that includes name, phone number, and email address of references.
- Nominees need not be NYSARH members.
- No self-nominations for this Award.
Dr. Gary Ogden Rural Health Practitioner of the Year Award
The recipient of this award must be a direct service provider who has demonstrated leadership in bringing health services to citizens of rural New York.
Factors considered include:
- Individual must be a provider (physician, dentist, or allied health professional)
- Must be providing outstanding care (not care that would generally be expected)
- Must be involved in the community
- Must be making a lasting contribution to the rural health care system in New York State
- Need not be a NYSARH member
- Three references should be included with application material that contains name, phone number, and email address of references.
- No self-nominations
This award was renamed in honor of Dr. Gary Ogden, former Health Director in Allegany County. Candidates for this award should exhibit the same qualities we witnessed in Gary; a passion for life, selfless dedication to their community, organization, and especially, their patients; a strong sense of truth, and the conviction, belief, and action to make dreams a reality.
Outstanding Rural Health Program
This award recognizes a community-wide, regional, or statewide program involving one or more health care professionals, or entities that promote or facilitate the development of the rural health care delivery system. If a collaborative effort, please describe in detail the role each organization plays or played and the impact the program will have on the community in the future. If a one-time event, that can be replicated in other communities, please clarify those factors that can be replicated.
Factors taken into consideration include:
- Coordination of system services with other health care agencies to avoid duplication of services, thereby maximizing the return on time and finances invested.
- Networking and collaboration with other health care entities to achieve common goals.
- Innovation in the development and implementation of the program.
- Lasting impact on the community, state, or region.
Additional information regarding applicant:
- Three references must be sent with application including name, phone number, and email address.
- Nominees need not be NYSARH members.
- If your organization is part of a collaboration, please note that in the description with a complete listing of all additional partners.
The Award Celebration will be held on National Rural Health Day, November 17th, 2022.