Working to preserve and improve health and human services in rural New York State.
Please plan to join NYSARH for a Rural Health Symposium on Monday September 27th. We are honored to welcome Dr. Donna Beegle of Communication Across Barriers. Dr. Beegle’s appearance is sponsored by the National Rural Health Association and presented in collaboration with the New York Association of Community Action Agencies.
Symposium will feature an update on national issues from Alan Morgan, President of the NRHA.
The NYSARH Policy Committee has organized a Policy Forum with NYS legislators that will provide another highlight for the day. Although this is a virtual event, there will be opportunities for Networking.
For NYSARH members, the Symposium will conclude with the 2021 Annual Meeting at which new Board members and Officers are welcomed.
Did you know that NYSARH welcomes the contributions of student interns?
NYSARH is pleased to thank Ava Boal of Vassar Collage for her contribution to rural health. During her internship she has participated in advocacy visits with Congressional offices, researched topics and promoted our monthly webinars on social media and produced the NYSARH Annual Report. She now serves on the Student Membership Advisory Committee.
The NYSARH Membership Committee is seeking other students who would like to get involved with rural health. If you or someone you know is interested, please contact Mandy Qualls at
NYSARH has partnered with Digital On Demand to provide assistance to our members. You may participate in free social media coaching clinics Tuesday and Thursdays: spend less time more wisely.
NRHA is tracking rural health bills in Congress, and our new legislative tracker enables you to view the rural health bills the association is monitoring, supporting, and opposing.
Bills are searchable and categorized by topic area, and by clicking on a bill, you can find its summary, review cosponsors, and stay up to date on Congressional actions. To recommend bills for the legislative tracker, contact NRHA’s government affairs team at
The NRHA also has automated advocacy campaigns.
Thursday, Sept 22, 2021
Panel on Rural Opioid Programs
The September webinar panel presentation will explore the rural response to the U.S. opioid crisis. The panelists bring rural perspectives from various regions across the U.S. to the discussion.
Ann Abdella, NYSARH Board Member
Executive Director at Chautauqua County Health Network
Maria Coutant Skinner, McCall Center for Behavioral Health
Tonya Stokes, Ellenville Regional Hospital
John Wilson, Credo Community Center
Participation in the Rural Health Webinar Series is $10 per webinar.
Some events offer CME and NYS Social Work CE credits are available for purchase for an additional $20.00 fee.
HRSA is accepting applications for payment from rural health clinics (RHC) and federally qualified health centers (FQHC) employing buprenorphine waivered providers under a new program, the DATA 2000 Waiver Training Payment Program. RHCs and FQHCs have the opportunity to apply for a $3,000 payment for each eligible employed provider who attained a Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000 (DATA 2000) waiver on or after January 1, 2019. The program is conducted in collaboration with SAMHSA. Waivers are issued by SAMHSA’s Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) and its Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality (CBHSQ) maintains the verified waivered practitioner database. There is no deadline to apply for this payment program, but available funds are limited and will be paid on a first-come, first-served basis. The Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment (SUPPORT) for Patients and Communities Act, Section 6083, made $6 million available to FQHCs and $2 million available to RHCs under the DATA 2000 Waiver Training Payment Program. HRSA will accept applications for payment and process payments until all available funds are exhausted.
The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) is issuing this Request for Applications (RFA) to announce the availability of approximately $14 million annually to support implementation of the Perinatal and Infant Community Health Collaboratives (PICHC) initiative. Funds will be awarded to approximately 25 programs throughout New York State (NYS) to support the development, implementation and coordination of collaborative community-based strategies to improve perinatal and infant health outcomes and eliminate racial, ethnic, and economic disparities in those outcomes. Funded programs will work to improve specific perinatal and infant health outcomes including preterm birth, low birth weight, infant mortality, and maternal mortality.
The anticipated funding period is July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2027.
We invite you to join us through advocacy and by advancing initiatives that support a commitment to improving healthcare quality and access.