The NYSARH Policy Committee organized Advocacy Day earlier in the season than we have in previous years. Volunteers met with 19 Committee Chairs and leadership staff including Speaker Heastie, Minority Leader Kolb, Chair of Senate Health Gustavo Rivera, and Chair of Assembly Health Dick Gottfried.
We appreciate the warm welcome we received from Senators Rachel May, Chair, and Pamela Helming, Ranking Member, Legislative Commission on Rural Resources.
Thanks to our panel of speakers who presented the morning briefing:
- Jill Kasow, Legislative Commission of Rural Resources
- Karen Roach & Jim Clancy, Healthcare Association of NYS
- Lacey Clarke, Community Health Care Association of NYS
- Glenn Liebman, Mental Health Association of NYS
- Harvey Rosenthal, NY Association Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services
- Steve Kroll, NYS Volunteer Ambulance & Rescue Association
- Rob Wingate, NYS Area Health Education Centers
- Barry Brogan, North Country Behavioral Health Network
NYSARH Policy Committee Chair, Barry Brogan, wrote and submitted testimony on behalf of NYSARH to the Health/Medicaid, Mental Hygiene, and Finance/Ways & Means Committees.