Thursday, October 1st
6:30 AM – Networking Walk/Run – along Seneca Lake
7:00 AM – Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:30 AM – Welcome, Annual NYSARH Membership Meeting
9:00 AM – 10:15 AM
KEYNOTE SPEAKER – James R. Knickman
President and CEO New York State Health Foundation
“How will the Innovation and Integration Imperative Affect Rural Health Care?”
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Andrea Haradon, Network Coordinator S2AY Rural Health Network
Barry Brogan, CEO North Country Behavioral Healthcare Network
DSRIP: A Rural Update – (interactive session)
- Lessons Learned: What has worked and what didn’t work?
- What challenges do we see going forward and how to mitigate these
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM – Awards Luncheon
1:45 PM – 2:45 PM
Fruits of Our Labor
Laurie Cohn, Aspire Consulting
Easily and Quickly Unleash the Power of a Highly Engaged Workforce to Transform Your Organization
25% of the work force is highly engaged in their work. Engaging your workforce is a transformative strategy for long term sustainability. Where recruiting and retaining exceptional employees is difficult, developing a culture where your employees bring their best, and boast about the work they and you do become paramount. Learn what and how.
Harvesting Transformation
Antara Mitra, REACH CNY Inc.
Implementing SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment) in Primary Care and Home Visiting Programs in Oswego Co.
SBIRT is an evidence based model to delivering preventative care for alcohol and substance use disorders. It identifies those at risk of developing these disorders and provides brief stagebased counseling to encourage behavior change. It is reimbursed by Medicaid & Medicare and can be implemented by any trained professional and paraprofessional.
Complex Bouquet of Healthcare
Dr. Holmes Morton, Clinic for Special Children
Models for Community Focused Translational Medicine for Plain Populations
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Public Health Improvement Plan (PHIP) – Identify advocacy and/or legislative issues that could facilitate more effective interventions in support of the Prevention Agenda.
- Finger Lakes Health Systems Agency (PPS) – Trilby de Jung
- HealtheConnections – Rachel Kramer
- P2 Collaborative – John Craik
5:15 PM – 7:00 PM – Networking Reception – Rose Hill Mansion – Geneva Historical Society
Dinner on Your Own
Friday, October 2nd
7:30 AM – 8:30 AM – Networking Breakfast
8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
Fruits of Our Labor
Carol Wood, 2-1-1 HELPLINE
Roberta Wood, Arnot Health
Clinical and Community Based Contact Centers for Information & Assistance – Benefits and Distinctions
Across the country, 2-1-1 is on the front lines of connecting people to the health care and community services they need to stay healthy. Easy-to-remember, “The 2-1-1” provides patients, family members, case managers, social workers and health care professionals with valuable information about accessing services, a service also known as information and assistance. The Institute for Human Services provides 2-1-1 service to five mostly-rural New York Counties in the Southern Tier.
Health on Demand is a regional call center that provides support and education to people of the Southern Tier of New York and the Northern Tier of Pennsylvania. The changing paradigm of nursing/healthcare means that telehealth will play an increasingly important role in helping patients learn how to stay healthy, connect with nurses to guide them on care, or when to seek out their medical professionals.
Learn how you can take advantage of these amazing resources and how they complement each other, regardless of your role in the health care system.
Harvesting Transformation
Bridget Walsh and Steve Jennings, Schuyler Center for Analysis and Aging
New Opportunities to Reduce Early Childhood Dental Diseases
Dental disease is the number one chronic disease of childhood. It not only impacts a child’s health and wellbeing, but can require costly treatment. This workshop will introduce participants to new opportunities to reduce disease at the community level through the Drinking Water Fluoridation Fund and the Cavity Free Initiative program model.
Complex Bouquet of Healthcare
Bob Hunt, Ft. Drum Regional Health Planning Org.
Melanie Rhodes, WNY Rural Area Health Education Center, Inc.
Building Networks using the FCC’s Healthcare Connect Fund
Overview of the process used to create the Adirondack Champlain
Telemedicine Information Network (ACTION), North Country Telemedicine Project
(NCTP) telehealth networks and Western New York Rural Broadband Healthcare Network (WNYRBHN) using funding from the Healthcare Connect Fund (HCF).
9:45 AM – 10:45 AM
Fruits of Our Labor
Gerald Archibald, The Bonadio Group
The Impact of Performing Provider Systems and Medicaid Reform on Rural Providers
2015 will be a year of massive transformation with the development of 25 Performing Provider Systems throughout New York State. All but one of the PPS structures are being led by hospitals. The presenter will describe the initial and ongoing impact of PPS Initiatives on rural community health providers. Based on what will be known by midSeptember 2015, the presenter will provide the appropriate strategies to be evaluated and considered by rural community health providers in response to the PPS Implementation Initiative.
Harvesting Transformation
Bill Armbruster, AARP
Randall Hoak, Erie County Senior Services
Livability and Living Well
AARP and Area Agencies on Aging team up to talk about their priorities in enhancing the health, wellbeing, and quality of life of older adults
Complex Bouquet of Healthcare
Julia Preston-Fulton & Toni Ross, Oswego County Opportunities, Inc.
Connecting Consumers to Rural Health Care
We will discuss the importance of building partnerships between practices and community agencies and the positive impact this has on consumers. With limited providers and limited resources, consumers have limited time at appointments. By having more people involved in their health care process, consumers have increased access to education and resources. This also gives consumers increased opportunities to ask questions about health care and help process their options.
11:15 AM – 12:15 MM
Gerald Archibald, The Bonadio Group
Movement to Value Based Payment
12:15 PM – 12:30 PM Final Door Prizes Given Out
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM – NYSARH Board of Directors Meeting