2019 Annual NYSARH – Conference Sponsorship Opportunities
The 2019 Annual Rural Health Conference features national and state healthcare experts and focuses on the challenging issues of our time in rural New York State, including tackling the rural opioid epidemic, elevating behavioral health, addressing social determinants of health, fostering livable communities and much more.
This event provides a prime opportunity for you to market to and network with key players from a multitude of areas in New York State’s health arena: large and small hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers and clinics, physician offices, insurance companies, medical and electronic technology, lobbyists and advocacy groups, management service groups, state and county officials, emergency medical service providers, and many others.
Our sponsorship opportunity outline highlights the affordable and effective sponsorship and promotional opportunities that will give you unparalleled exposure and focused access to NYSARH’s influential conference attendees and decision-makers in healthcare from across New York State.
We know 2019 is a pivotal year in healthcare delivery, healthcare reform and finances. Join us to learn national and state perspectives as they relate to rural healthcare and connect with potential clients and new markets.
A sample of some of the past NYSARH sponsors of our well-attended, well-received, and well-reviewed annual conferences have included: Excellus Blue Cross/Blue Shield; HANYS; HealthLinkNY, NYS Health Foundation, MVP Healthcare, HealtheConnections, Rural Health Networks and many others.